  • Biometric devices means the devices that are used for capturing the biometric data inputs i.e Fingerprint / Iris /both the information from Aadhaar number holders. These biometric devices fall under two categories viz. Discrete Devices, Integrated Devices.
  • Discrete Biometric Devices : These type of devices refer to the class of biometric devices (Fingerprint/IRIS) that require connectivity to a host device such as PC/laptop/Micro ATM etc
  • Integrated Biometric Devices : The integrated devices have the sensor integrated into the device package i.e. phone/tablet etc.
  • The form factors in which biometric devices may be deployed include:
    • Hand-Held / PoS Device such as MicroATMs, attendance devices
    • USB device connected to PC
    • Mobile phone with biometric sensor
    • Kiosks such as ATMs, MNREGA job request kiosks

UIDAI Requires that only registered devices should be used by all Authentication Eco partners.

“Registered Devices” refer to devices that are registered with Aadhaar system for encryption key management. Aadhaar authentication server can individually identify and validate these devices and manage encryption keys on each registered device.

Device identification – every physical sensor device having a unique identifier allowing device authentication, traceability, analytics, and fraud management.

Eliminating use of stored biometrics – every biometric record is processed and encrypted within the secure zone eliminating transmission of unencrypted biometrics from sensor to host machine.